KEN WILBER, founder of the Integral Institute, featured Chapter 11, Physicists and Mystics, from my book, ITS LIGHT IS THE LAMB, on his blog on Feb. 1, 2008. In his invitation to potential Guest Bloggers, KEN WILBER writes “getting your material published on this site will really put you and your work on the forefront of the Integral revolution.” To see the selection criteria go to:
It is quite an honor to have my work singled out by KEN WILBER and published on his blog. To view my posting as Guest Editor on Ken's blog go to:
It is quite an honor to have my work singled out by KEN WILBER and published on his blog. To view my posting as Guest Editor on Ken's blog go to:
If you wonder "Who is KEN WILBER?" He is founder of the Integral Institute and is considered by many to be the most influential integral theorist today, as well as the most intelligent and self-critical voice coming out of the ‘Transpersonal Psychology’ movement. KEN WILBER is an American author of over twenty books on psychology, philosophy, mysticism, ecology, and spiritual evolution. For many years he has practiced a type of Buddhist meditation on a regular basis. He interviews on his website some of the world’s greatest thinkers, including Father Keating of Contemplative Outreach fame. According to Ken's website: “Integral Naked presents audio video dialog and art behind the scenes with the most provocative thinkers in today’s world.” DEEPAK CHOPRA says: "I read KEN WILBER every day so that I can be inspired by the most extraordinary mind of our times."