Monday, February 11, 2008

Kudos for My Book, ITS LIGHT IS THE LAMB

KEN WILBER, founder of the Integral Institute, featured Chapter 11, Physicists and Mystics, from my book, ITS LIGHT IS THE LAMB, on his blog on Feb. 1, 2008. In his invitation to potential Guest Bloggers, KEN WILBER writes “getting your material published on this site will really put you and your work on the forefront of the Integral revolution.” To see the selection criteria go to:

It is quite an honor to have my work singled out by KEN WILBER and published on his blog. To view my posting as Guest Editor on Ken's blog go to:
If you wonder "Who is KEN WILBER?" He is founder of the Integral Institute and is considered by many to be the most influential integral theorist today, as well as the most intelligent and self-critical voice coming out of the ‘Transpersonal Psychology’ movement. KEN WILBER is an American author of over twenty books on psychology, philosophy, mysticism, ecology, and spiritual evolution. For many years he has practiced a type of Buddhist meditation on a regular basis. He interviews on his website some of the world’s greatest thinkers, including Father Keating of Contemplative Outreach fame. According to Ken's website: “Integral Naked presents audio video dialog and art behind the scenes with the most provocative thinkers in today’s world.” DEEPAK CHOPRA says: "I read KEN WILBER every day so that I can be inspired by the most extraordinary mind of our times."

Sunday, February 10, 2008


On Sunday, Feb. 3, 2008, my husband and I attended the monthly Marian Prayer Service at the Lynfield Event Complex situated off Route 15 between Frederick and Emmitsburg, MD. It is during this prayer service that Our Lady of Emmitsburg gives a “Public Message To the World”.
At the time we were there, we estimated that over 400 people attended. Everyone present was able to watch on a large screen, what was happening in the front row where Dr. Gianna Sullivan was sitting beside her husband, Dr. Michael Sullivan, and their daughters. Half way into the Marian Prayer Service we started to pray the rosary. During the fourth decade of the rosary, Gianna Sullivan suddenly sinks to her knees on the floor, and goes into ecstasy at the appearance of the Mother of God.
Our Lady is visible only to Gianna, whose face lights up with a beautiful smile. Then Gianna’s lips began to move, but you cannot hear her voice. Thereafter follows, what appears to be, an animated discussion between Gianna and her unseen visitor. After a short time, Gianna’s face changes, becomes more serious, and the microphone now picks up the sound of her voice as she recites aloud the message which Our Lady wishes to give to the world.
I was very pleased to hear Mary emphasize a point that impresses me relative to the many recent messages from Heaven. Our Lady said that her Son is inviting everyone “to live in Him, and to be Him.” To me, this means that Jesus is calling everyone to be contemplatives. She emphasizes the importance of humility on our walk with her Son. Our Lady then tells us what is required of us on this walk. She says: “You must be Jesus; and to be Jesus, you must receive His graces with humility and kindness and with love.”
Mary stresses that peace is what God desires. And she urges us: “Do not allow another day to go by without you working and cooperating to change interiorly and without you following God’s Divine Will.”

She tells us: “You can make the change, and this world can be different."

Mission of Mercy

After attending the Marian Prayer Service, my husband and I stayed overnight in Frederick, MD. The next morning we went to the Frederick Church of the Brethren to view the mobile medical clinic used by Mission of Mercy to bring free medical and dental services and free prescriptions to the uninsured poor and the homeless. Mission of Mercy was founded in 1994 by Dr. Gianna Sullivan (Pharm D) with the help of her husband, Dr. Michael Sullivan, who had left a lucrative medical practice at the Geisinger Clinic, PA to move to Emmitsburg, MD at Our Lady’s invitation.
We also viewed the large facility which the Frederick Church of the Brethren had made available for use by the Mission of Mercy volunteers. The room was divided up into separate areas where the doctors, nurses and volunteers could interview and see patients, including a triage area and a prenatal examining area. There are seventeen such facilities, three in AZ, seven in MD, two in PA and five in TX which are serviced by the mobile medical clinics. Five of these facilities are Catholic and the remaining twelve include Methodist, Lutheran, Baptist and others. Since 1994 Mission of Mercy has provided for over 200,000 patient visits.
Pat Sajak of TV Wheel of Fortune fame is one of Mission of Mercy supporters. If you are interested in contributing or wish to learn more about Mission of Mercy go to: