Saturday, November 10, 2007


My book, Its Light is the Lamb, An Unexpected Spiritual Journey, has just been published. CLICK HERE for more information.


Anonymous said...

Your book regarding your spiritual journey ties together observations and analyses of related subjects by scientists, theologians and mystics into a cohesive whole. A careful reading to fully mine the book's well researched depths will be handsomely rewarded. I strongly recommend Its Light is the Lamb to those who are seeking a deeper spirituality or who have questions about mystical contemplation.

Anonymous said...

Your book is so beautifully spiritual and helpful.Thanks so much for sharing.

christine said...

I'm only halfway through the book, and I've skimmed through it to the end. (up till 2:30 am when I was supposed to be getting ready for Thanksgiving) It's reawakened me in many ways. My mother's the lady in Chap. 6 who gave you her I am your Jesus of Mercy book. She gave it to me too. Then in June of '93, I flew to Arizona. The night we arrived we attended mass and heard Our Lord speaking through Fr. Jack. We went to bed and during the night the hotel phone rang. My father told me my mother had just died. I stopped at St. Maria's to pray on the way back to the airport. My husband saw Fr. Jack in the parking lot and asked him to pray for my mom. I had completely forgotten that I witnessed this miracle. It occurs to me that I want to re-read that message from Our Lord spoken on June 4th of '93, the day before I turned 28. Anyway, thank you for sharing your spiritual journey. I'm considering re-trying Centering Prayer. The one time I went I just didn't "get it." Looking forward to finishing the book.

Edna said...

Christine, What a high complement that you should stay up until 2:30 am reading my book! Thank you for sharing your story with me. If you have any questions about Centering Prayer please do not hesitate to email them to me.