Wednesday, April 2, 2008

'Safari in a Wordless Prayer'

In reading the Contemplative Outreach News, Vol. 23 #1, on their website, I found the following poem under Reader's Reflections. It is titled Safari in a Wordless Prayer and was published in a book entitled Safari of the Spirit. This poem, which was anonymously written by a hermit living in the desert with the bushmen, beautifully expresses the prayer in which God prays in us. It is printed below:

After years of
daily practice
and devotions,

The many words
of prayers
begin to fail.

To continue as before
becomes so painful

that the sole solution
seems to be

Give up,
abandon prayer!

But listen
as the Spirit calls

Deep into the
wordless dark.

Make safari to the
silent heart,

Where the midday
mind is left behind.

Surrounded by the

Awed by Presence in
the night,

Share the ever-living
Word of Christ,

And become his
never-ending prayer.

So unable to find
proper words to pray

Becomes a blessing,

For the spirit helps
using our weakness,

And speaks for us
before the
Father’s face,

In a wondrous
wordless way,

That only God can

And prayers,
the words we try to say
or do

Become prayer,
the Word that
says it all for you.

1 comment:

Diane Vogel Ferri said...

Edna, that poem is beautiful and so true - thanks for sharing it. Diane