Sunday, December 30, 2007

Marian Prayer Service at Emmitsburg, MD

On the first Sunday of each month, a Marian Prayer Service is held at the Lynfield Event Complex, Frederick, MD. During this service, Our Lady of Emmitsburg gives a message for the whole world through the mystic, Dr. Gianna Sullivan. On Sunday, Jan. 6, 2008 Wayne, Wieble will give a short talk after the prayer service on ‘Our Lady’s Urgent Call’ (~ 30 min.) And on Sunday, Feb. 3, 2008, Fr. Jack Spaulding is scheduled to give a short talk.

The information on the prayer service has CHANGED. Our Lady of Emmitsburg's Prayer Service is no longer held at the Lynfield Event Complex. It has been renamed the "World Wide Prayer Group of Our Lady of Emmitsburg." It takes place on the first Sunday of the month where groups gather in the homes of believers throughout the world as close to 3 pm Eastern time as is possible:

Tuesday, December 25, 2007


On this Christmas day in the year 2007, which is the first Christmas since I started writing in this blog, I feel it is appropriate to mention something about the Hidden Life of Our Lord, Volume I, which Dr. Gianna Talone-Sullivan has allegedly received from Our Lord, covering the time from Jesus’ conception until He reached the age of eight years. This information is available on the Foundation’s website. (

On the website there is also a Forward to the Hidden Life given by Fr. Kiernan Kavanaugh, OCD, who is a member of the Institute of Carmelite Studies, and who was vice postulator for the canonization of St. Edith Stein. In addition, Fr. Kavanaugh is well-known for his English language translations of the works, not only of St. John of the Cross, but also of St. Teresa of Avila.

Today, as we commemorate the birth of the child Jesus, it is a beautiful experience to read and ponder what Jesus has told Gianna about His thoughts and feelings all during that first stage of His life.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Words from God the Father to Dr. Gianna Sullivan

In my last post made on Dec. 2, 2007, I included a list of classic spiritual themes that I discovered in the Lessons from Jesus contained in the first five volumes of the I am your JESUS of MERCY books. These Lessons were received by Dr. Gianna Sullivan from Our Lord while she was living in Scottsdale, AZ and also in Emmitsburg, MD. In my blog post of Nov. 23, 2007, I discussed how the Foundation of the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart was started. The main purpose of the Foundation "is to convey to the whole world the ‘Words of God the Father...’” that Dr. Gianna Sullivan has only recently started receiving.
At this point I thought that it might be appropriate to print some of the message God the Father gave to Gianna to be published to the world on Dec. 8, 2007. For me, there are two very important points that are addressed. The first, and certainly the most important point that any human being would like to know, is the passionate love that God’s Son, Jesus, feels for us. And not only that, but God the Father tells us His “desire is for Love.” The second point, and this is vital for anyone who reads and speaks of these messages, He says: “Too much emphasis is placed on the miraculous...” Here are the words of God the Father:
“My Son's Heart is aflame, reaching out to the entire world with Love for you. I am with you; and even as I am with you, My Son and the Holy Spirit are with you, for we are One in the Holy Trinity.
“Yet, so many differences! Even if there are differences, why is not there the possibility that as Christian people, children of Abraham whom I created, humanity cannot be blessed, give praise to their God Almighty, and form in unity and Love? How much longer will it be---day after day---that so many of you initially receive My Words, listen to them with your hearts aflame, and then, instead of practicing them, move forward and get enveloped in a different dimension which further divides the world.
“My desire is for Love, love of you, love for you, and the Love within you. This Love within you goes forth to meet everyone out in the world. Anyone who desires to receive it receives God! Too much emphasis is placed on the miraculous, the signs of the times, and the desires and hopes of private intentions.”

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Classic Spiritual Themes

In the previous post I discussed the Foundation of the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary and the visionary, Dr. Gianna Talone-Sullivan. My first introduction to this visionary's writings was the book, I am your JESUS of MERCY, volume 1. As described in the Table of Contents, Part I of this book is titled "Lessons from Jesus Christ Our Lord". These Lessons so impressed me that, when I had finished reading all five sets of Lessons in volume 1 through 5, I wrote and published the following article on my website,



It is interesting to study the progression of these Lessons. They begin with the basic truths of the Christian life explained in clear and forceful language. Yet each Lesson is permeated with words of love and concern for our well being and spiritual growth. As the Lessons continue they become longer and provide more detailed instruction on the spiritual journey and the fruits of spiritual maturity. To study these Lessons and how they reflect Holy Scripture seems to me to be a very sure way to proceed on the contemplative journey to God.

Down through the centuries the great spiritual themes have been food for many souls. In her Revelations of Divine Love, Julian of Norwich emphasized the tender motherliness of God. Theresa of the Child Jesus, a Doctor of the Church, writes of her "little way." Abbot Keating, in his classic, Open Mind, Open Heart emphasizes the need of the contemplative to "rest in God." J. P. Caussade, S.J. in his exquisite book, Self-Abandonment to Divine Providence brings together the Carmelite and the Salesian traditions of abandonment to Divine Providence and confidence in God. The great Doctor of Mystical Theology, John of the Cross, describes the Dark Nights and their culmination in Divine Union. Countless writers speak of living in the present moment. All of these themes are covered in these Lessons in an unusually beautiful manner. Some examples are provided below.

God's Motherliness:

"Today, I wish for My people to know My Father...He will comfort you,...He will cradle you like a newborn babe."1
"Silently, gently, delicately and oh-so-tenderly is the way I work on the vast, many souls."2


"When you are "little," the Father is able to embrace your soul ever so tightly and He will protect you."3
"I love My little ones and invite all to follow the way of littleness as that of My Mother, so secure in Her fidelity to follow God at all costs without consolation or promises."4
"Do not mistake littleness with lack of power. Littleness is detachment from possessions and is purity of heart."5

Centering/Rest in God/Prayer of the Heart:

"Rest in My love. Rest in My peace. Rest in Me as I rest in you. Let us unite for we are ONE."6
"If you will absorb My love and rest in My love, your heart, mind, and soul will be rejuvenated and will rise to an ecstasy of joy."7
"If you centered on Me and allowed Me to love you, you would be filled with love, purity and goodness."8
"I do not want their words, I want their hearts."9
"It is necessary that my people begin to strive for an inner harmony of quiet and peace, allowing the way for the unity of the Trinity to enter and find rest."10
"Be in union with Me by reserving quiet, private time where I can make My abode of love in you."11
"Always take time for Me to rest in you. Invite Me."12
" of the greatest gifts of My merciful love is silence of the heart..."13

Trust in Divine Providence:

"Surrender unto Love against all self-comprehension."15
"I am truly guiding you if you trust that I am. This is self-abandonment to the Providence of God."16
"When you abandon unto Me, I ensure that your union with and in Me is complete."17
"Nothing happens to you in life unless My Father will it so. Trust in Divine Providence and surrender to His consoling truths."18

Dark Nights:

" at peace when God allows you to be chastised and pressed through the mill of sweet graces.19
"These, My little ones, many times feel abandoned by God,...Why must it be so? Because, little ones, all who love as I love must die as I died."20
"It is the walk of the night where the light is so strong it blinds you...My point of this lesson, My dear one, is to teach My people to be still, quiet, silent, in dryness of the soul. WAIT PATIENTLY for God to show His face to you."21
"This is where union begins, knowing you are nothing and experiencing by the purification of desolation and nothingness, that you can become everything in Me."22

Transforming Union:

"The soul then commences in the journey of light until it unites with its Master in an encompassing brillance of illumination, the union with God."23
"The silence of union is essential for the life of the soul. Even though your life of ministry be active, silence and solitude is vital and is possible."24
"When you sit quietly and contemplate My words of love, your soul is suspended high into the abyss of love."25

Present Moment:

"Live the moment, and be aware of all the beauty I give you."26
"Take each day as I have prepared it for you."27
"Live in Me in each moment. Do not run ahead."28
"Do not lose the moment by dwelling on a topic regarding yourself."29
"See the beauty in the simplest of God's creation...Listen. Listen to silence. See the richness through solitude."30

Friday, November 23, 2007


There are two chapters in my book, Its Light is the Lamb, where I discuss the apparitions of Dr. Gianna Talone-Sullivan at some length. One is Chapter Six titled: Apparitions in Scottsdale, AZ. The other is Chapter Sixteen, Our Lady of Emmitsburg. It was in Scottsdale that Dr. Gianna Sullivan, who has a Doctorate in Pharmacology from the University of Southern California in Los Angeles, and who was pursuing a promising career in her profession, started to see Mary, the Mother of God. Since that time she has been graced with visions of Our Lady almost daily. In 1993 she moved to Emmitsburg, MD with her husband, Dr. Michael Sullivan, a medical doctor. It was the Virgin Mary who invited the newlyweds to move to Emmitsburg and it was the Virgin Mary who indicated that Emmitsburg was a very special place, that it was to be the 'Center of Her Immaculate Heart'.
In this post I would like to briefly discuss the Foundation of the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary; how it began; and its import for me. From Dec. 2003 until May 2005, in her messages, Our Lady of Emmitsburg frequently indicated that she was pleading with God the Father to personally intervene in our world, which she kept repeating, was in dire need. Then, on May 21, 2005, Mary, the Mother of God, tells Dr.Gianna Sullivan that she wants a foundation established in Emmitsburg, titled the ‘Foundation of the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary’. Our Lady continues, telling her that the Foundation is to belong to God the Father and that its purpose is to convey to the whole world the “Words of God the Father” and to make known the “Truth of my Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart.”

It has always been my understanding that it is the teaching of the Catholic Church that its flock is not required to believe in any private revelations. It is up to the Church officials to discern whether any private revelations, allegedly received from God or from Our Lady, are authentic. And even then, Catholics are not required to believe in these revelations. Recently, some articles that I have been reading, point out that when part of the revelation itself indicates that the message is public and is intended for everyone, everywhere, under these circumstances Catholics are required (I hesitate to use those two words: “are required”) to both investigate and prayerfully discern if these words are intended for them.

Thursday, November 22, 2007


In addition to, my book, Its Light is the Lamb, is now available from Amazon, Barnes & Noble and also from Borders.

Saturday, November 10, 2007


My book, Its Light is the Lamb, An Unexpected Spiritual Journey, has just been published. CLICK HERE for more information.

Friday, October 12, 2007


Since I last wrote about Mother Teresa I have gathered enough information to write an in-depth article about her. However, that is not the purpose of this blog. Instead, I will restrict myself to the subject of the dark nights she experienced as part and parcel of her own special contemplative journey.

In an article titled ‘Atheists attempting a show of strength’ written by Jacqueline L. Salmon of the Washington Post, published by the Philadelphia Inquirer newspaper of 9-23-2007, the writer quotes Christopher Hitchens as saying: “She (Mother Teresa) couldn’t bring herself to believe in God, but she wished she could.” And Jacqueline L. Salmon indicates that reading the book, Mother Teresa: Come Be My Light, “has led some high-profile atheists to say her spiritual wavering was actually atheism.”

Reading this article reminded me of how I felt when I learned in Richard Dawkins’ book, The God Delusion, that he thought that Albert Einstein was basically a pantheist. And that “Pantheism is sexed-up atheism.” (P. 18) I had always thought that Einstein was religious by nature, but that he did not believe in a personal God. After reading Dawkins’ book I did not know what to think about Einstein and so I suspended my judgment until I got more information. After reading about what the modern atheists have to say about Mother Teresa, and deciding that what they said is very questionable, I now look back on Dawkins’ comments about Einstein with more skepticism.

My reading of the book, Mother Teresa: Come Be My Light, convinced me that, in no way whatsoever, was Mother Teresa an atheist. Yes, she did suffer from doubts about the existence of God. But who hasn’t? As a matter of fact, in his excellent article in Time magazine, dated 8-23-2007, David Van Biema quotes James Martin, S.J. as saying he feels that as a result of this book Mother Teresa will have a new legacy, and that “It may be remembered as just as important as her ministry to the poor. It would be a ministry to people who had experienced some doubt, some absence of God in their lives. And you know who that is? Everybody. Atheists, doubters, seekers, believers, everyone.”

As I thought about Mother Teresa, the one big question that kept coming to my mind was “Why did God allow her to suffer such a prolonged dark night?” One of the answers may well be in Fr. Martin’s reference to a new ministry.

The classic definition of the mystical night of the soul is given by John of the Cross in his book, The Dark Night. He divides the dark night into two spiritual purgations. He calls the first part the Night of Sense and says that those who undergo this night are no longer "beginners" in the spiritual journey. John of the Cross says that they are starting on the way of the "progressives" which is the beginning of the contemplative state.

He calls the second part, the Dark Night of the Spirit. John of the Cross indicates that the dark night of the spirit does not usually commence until some period of time has elapsed following the night of sense. He states that during this period the soul experiences "morsels" of this dark night but they do not last very long. He calls these morsels "dark contemplation" and says of them that they "are never as intense as is that terrible night of contemplation...into which, of set purpose, God brings the soul that He may lead it to Divine Union."

In the Introduction to the Ascent-Dark Night in the book, The Collected Works of St. John of the Cross, translated by K. Kavanaugh, O.C.D. and O. Rodriguez, O.C.D., they outline the main aspects of the passive purification or dark night of the spirit. One point that they make gives us an insight into Mother Teresa's words that she felt "unwanted" and "unloved" by God. In the Introduction they write these profound words: "The knowledge this contemplation accords generates the feeling of being abandoned by God and by creatures and deprives the soul of the connatural satisfaction it ordinarily obtains in the actuation of its faculties."

The Spiritual Marriage between the soul and God, usually occurs when the dark night of the spirit is over. Based on my reading of Mother Teresa’s letters, I can only speculate about when this spiritual marriage/transforming union took place in her life. But I certainly think it did. To me, the most likely time would have been before she undertook her ministry to the poor in founding the Missionaries of Charity. The subsequent dark nights that she experienced for approximately 50 years, right up until her death in 1997, most likely were not the purgative nights of the spirit to which John of the Cross refers to as being preparatory for this transforming union with God. Rather, it seems to me that this almost continual dark night of the spirit served three primary functions. First, it had to increase the effectiveness of her mission to the very poor and needy of this world. And secondly, as I quoted above from James Martin, S.J., Mother Teresa's letters may well be the beginning of an equally important mission for her "to people who had experienced some doubt, some absence of God in their lives." Thirdly, I think God used this very prolonged spiritual night to raise Mother Teresa to an even more sublime state of union with Himself.

Thursday, September 13, 2007


In my earlier post on 'Contemplation and the Active Apostolate' I quoted Pope John Paul II's statement that he believed that : "the future of mission depends to a great extent on contemplation. Unless the missionary is a contemplative he cannot proclaim Jesus in a credible way." Thinking about it, it seems to me that this is a pretty incredible statement! I simply had no idea that Pope John Paul felt so strongly about the role of contemplation in the mission of the Church.

I remember watching the Pope on TV at the many world youth conventions that he attended. It always amazed me how many young people were there and how enthusiastic they were. There seemed to be something about the Pope that was irresistible to the youth of the Church. Is it possible that he was a mystic, a contemplative? That this is what drew them? I remember the many times the camera panned to him, and his eyes were closed and he was holding his large crucifix in a tight grip. Was he in deep prayer?

I think he was! One of the reasons for my belief is because silence seems so important to me in establishing a relationship with Christ. If we don't listen to Him, if we don't pause in silence to let His Spirit inform us, how can we ever hope to be a contemplative? In his Apostolic Letter, Roasrium Virginis Mariae, Pope John Paul II says: "A discovery of the importance of silence is one of the secrets of practicing contemplation and meditation. One drawback of a society dominated by technology and the mass media is the fact that silence becomes increasingly difficult to achieve." The fact that Pope John emphasizes silence speaks eloquently to me of his appreciation of how to foster our relationship with Jesus.

Thursday, September 6, 2007


The first time I checked Amazon to see if Mother Teresa's book, Come Be My Light, was available on the internet, I came up empty. Today, I ordered the book through Amazon for delivery within a week or so! After reading Christopher Hitchens' article in Newsweek, and comparing it to the article in Time magazine which I mentioned last week on this blog, I am more interested than ever in reading Mother Teresa's letters!

I was fascinated to learn in Hitchens' article that he had been invited by certain Vatican dignitaries to testify at the Beatification hearings on Mother Teresa. To many of my readers this may be surprising. However, it is standard Catholic procedure to invite people to provide negative testimony at such hearings. And that is precisely what he does in this article, The Dogmatic Doubter. As far as I remember, aside from the first sentence of the article, it is negative from start to finish. Read it and see what you think!

The one statement he makes, that I would like to comment on at this time, is "She got what she wanted, and found it a crushing disappointment." How does Hitchen's know that it was a 'crushing disappointment?' One of the ideas that I frequently ponder, is "What goes on inside a person's mind and heart, particularly when it comes to their relationship with their God?" Comments?

Wednesday, August 29, 2007


I have just finished reading the excellent article on Mother Teresa in Time magazine by David Van Biema. While I knew of Mother Teresa, the icon, I actually knew very little about her life. What an extraordinary woman! I plan to get the book, Come Be My Light, as soon as it is available. The interesting thing about the book's title is that it is taken from the words of Christ to Mother Teresa when He asked her to work in the slums with the poor. As I read this book of her letters I want to study how her faith progresses. What seems like going backwards, in actual fact, is probably just the opposite. After I read Come Be My Light, I plan to comment both on the book and on this article in Time magazine by David Van Biema.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007


When I was a young girl, there were two convents of nuns in our Holy Child Jesus parish. One was for the Sisters of St. Joseph who taught in our parish elementary school. The other convent housed the Missionary Servants of the Most Blessed Trinity, or as we called them, the Trinitarians. They were missionaries, whose goal was to bring Christ to everyone. They had a special concern for the poor and needy of the parish.

My very first memory of the Trinitarians was the day they took me and some other kids to Rockaway Beach, NY. They paid our entrance fee into a swimming pool complex and I had the time of my life. It was wonderful. This was the first and only time I spent at that pool, for our family had few monetary resources. And the Sisters gave me a quarter, which was a lot of money at that time, to spend as I liked.

Recently, I have been reading about the Trinitarians in the book, God's Valiant Warrior, by Father Dennis Berry, S.T. My attention was caught by the emphasis Fr. Berry places on the role of contemplative prayer in missionary work. I was very pleasantly surprised by the words he quotes from an encyclical on the Church's missionary mandate written by Pope John Paul II. The Pope writes:
"Every member of the faithful is called to holiness and to mission . . . . The Church's missionary spirituality is a journey towards holiness . . . . [I believe] that the future of mission depends to a great extent on contemplation. Unless the missionary is a contemplative he cannot proclaim Jesus in a credible way."

These words from Pope John Paul II are strong indeed. I always wondered if the Pope was a mystic. It certainly seems that he was!

In his book mentioned above, Fr. Berry writes of the Missionary Cenacle family founded by Father Thomas Judge, a Vincentian priest. The congregation of Sisters was called The Missionary Servants of the Most Blessed Trinity, while the congregation of priests and Brothers was called by the same name, except that the word 'Blessed' was replaced by the word 'Holy' in the men's order. These two missionary congregations were founded in the twentieth century and both received Pontifical Status from Rome in 1985. It was the first time in over 400 years that the rule of a new religious community had been approved by Rome. Originally, the Sisters were considered somewhat revolutionary because they did not wear habits nor veils, but rather the dress of the day. They were pioneers not only in religious dress codes, but more importantly pioneers in emphasizing the important role the laity had in the Church.

As I indicated above, Fr. Berry places emphasis on mystical contemplation. He devotes Part IV of his book to ' Apostolic Spirituality in the Mystical Theology of the Church.' He relates how he use to identify mystical contemplation with parapsychological phenomena. He speaks of the 35 years he was associated with the Missionary Cenacle during which time he did not encounter such mystical phenomena in the lives of the members. This puzzled him. However, he did find the type of holiness and selflessness which is identified as being associated with the most advanced stages of the spiritual life in the mystical tradition. He concludes, as Father Thomas Keating has written in his classic book, Open Mind Open Heart, that mystical phenomena is not integral to mystical contemplation.

Fr. Berry believes that there were many saintly Sisters who were on the mystical path. And further, he concludes that the 'active' life does not prohibit an individual from embarking upon the mystical journey to the Spiritual Marriage and beyond. Fr. Berry proceeds to make his point that the missionary apostolate must be based on a contemplative spirit if it is to be fruitful. I was very pleased to see the importance that Fr. Berry places on mystical contemplation in the world.

Monday, August 20, 2007


On this feast day of St. Bernard of Clairvaux, a Cistercian monk and renowned mystic, I have asked St. Bernard to be, as it were, a patron of this blog and to help me manage and make posts on it in such a way that it supports Jesus' prayer that the Father's "Will be done on earth as it is in heaven."(Mt. 6:10)

Sunday, August 19, 2007


Mystical contemplation is the main subject of this blog.